DETAILS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS HANDLED Externally aided Projects and Reports AT REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH STATION, PATTAMBI (17.10.1984 TO 10.8.1987) As Principal Investigator in AICPIP Agronomic evaluation of promising genotypes of cowpea Response of cowpea genotypes to dates of planting Studies on input contribution in summer cowpea Agronomic evaluation of promising genotypes of mungbean Agronomic evaluation of promising genotypes of pigeonpea Evaluation of urdbean and mungbean genotypes during rabi planting Evaluation of chickpea genotypes under rainfed conditions Performance of grain legumes in rice fallows under different cropping systems As Associate in AICPIP Cowpea co-ordinated varietal trial Blackgram co-ordinated varietal trial Co-ordinated varietal trial on moong Early arhar co-ordinated varietal trial As Associate in KAU Projects Germplasm maintenance and evaluation of different pulse crops Breeding high yielding short duration cowpea varieties with better grain quality Selection of long podded vegetable type cowpea for summer rice fallows Breeding horsegram varieties suited to the locality through single plant selection AT KVK, PATTAMBI (11.8.1987 TO 30.9.1988) Imparted one day training to farmers on agriculture, conducted demonstrations, prepared audio-visual aids, broadcast radio talks, organized science and youth clubs, conducted study tours, distributed vegetable seeds and sold KAU publications. Surveyed farm families (100 Nos.) and found non-use of lime. AT AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH STATION, ODAKKALI (1.10.1988 TO 31.8.1989) As Principal Investigator Growth analysis studies on lemongrass As Associate Studies on the optimum method of planting in lemongrass Response of different lemongrass species to graded doses of nitrogen Effect of fertiliser levels and stage of harvest in thathimalangatha grass Effect of lime and sources of nitrogen on yield and quality of palmarosa Effect of doses and split application of phosphorus and potassium on yield and quality of palmarosa Evaluation of vetiver types Effect of lime and phosphorus on vetiver Effect of different levels and sourses of nitrogen on vetiver AT RICE RESEARCH STATION, MONCOMPU (1.9.1989 TO 5.10.1991) As Associate in AICRIP Weed control trial for direct sown rice under puddled condition Weed control trial for transplanted rice Economics of weed control in transplanted rice Effect of large granulated urea and prilled urea on growth And yield of rice Integrated nutrient management in irrigated rice Studies on the integrated use of inorganic and organic nitrogen fertilisers in lowland rice Monitoring soil fertility and crop productivity under different cropping systems at moderate levels of fertiliser application Soil fertility management of acid soils Effect of levels and methods of potash application on grain yield of rice Permanent manurial trial AT AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH STATION, ODAKKALI (6.10.1991 26.12.1999) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of the Agency Title of the Period Grant scheme from to (Rs. lakhs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICAR Strengthening research 1984 1987 4.5 on Cymbopogon flexuoxus & other Cymbopogon spp.
Swedish International Moisture conservation 1988 1989 3.00 Development Agency- through sub-surface dike KAU Project..
Kerala Agrl. University Strengthening Research on 1991 on going 5.00 aromatic crops with special ( per year) reference to post harvest technology.
Ministry of Health & Central scheme for 1991 1993 5.00 Family Welfare, Govt. development and culti- of India. vation of medicinal plants (Phase I)
Ministry of Health & Central scheme for 1994 1996 5.00 Family Welfare, Govt. development and culti- of India. vation of medicinal plants (Phase II)
ICAR Standardisation of 1990 1993 8.80 agrotechniques in lemon- grass and palmarosa for maximising oil production (Co-investigator)
Ministry of Agriculture, Central Sector Scheme for 1992 on going 32.60 Govt. Of India. development of medicinal & aromatic plants.
Ministry of Agriculture, National Watershed Devel- 1993 1997 6.00 Govt. of India opment Project for Rainfed Areas
ICAR Standardization of 1995 1998 6.20 agrotechniques in lesser known medicinal and aromatic plants of Zingiberaceae family ( Second Associate)
Ministry of Health and Family Standardisation of Agrotechniques 1998 on-going 19.54 Welfare, GOI for selected medicinal plants used in Ayurveda, Sidda, Unani and Homeopathy
a) KAU Plan projects: - 1. Strengthening research on aromatic crops with special reference to post harvest technology 2. Establishment of pilot plant for fractional distillation of aromatic oils 3. Establishment and maintenance of germplasm of medicinal and aromatic plants 4. Development of biocides from medicinal and aromatic plants 5. Strengthening research on natural dyes and flavours b) Externally funded projects 1. ICAR Standardisation of agrotechniques in lesser known aromatic and medicinal plants of Zingiberaceae Financial Outlay : Rs. 6.37 lakhs for 3 years 2. ICAR - Integrated management of the banana pseuddostem weevil Odoiporus longicollis Financial outlay: Rs. Rs. 4.15 lakhs for 3 years 3. Govt. of Kerala NWDPRA Scheme for selected watershed of Ernakulam district Financial outlay : Rs. 2.4 lakhs for 98-99 4. GOI (Min. of Agriculture) Central Sector Scheme on development and cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants - Financial outlay: Rs. 6.45 Lakhs for 98-99. 5. GOI (Min. of Health & Family Welfare) Central Sector Scheme on development of agrotechinques for medicinal plants used in ayurveda, sidda unani and homeopathy. Financial outlay: Rs. 13.0 Lakhs for three years. Doing Ph. D. On study leave at COH, Vellanikkara (27.12.1999 TO 30.11.2000) AT AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH STATION, ODAKKALI (1.12.2000 17.6.2002)
a) KAU Plan projects: - 1. Strengthening research on aromatic crops with special reference to post harvest technology 2. Establishment of pilot plant for fractional distillation of aromatic oils 3. Establishment and maintenance of germplasm of medicinal and aromatic plants 4. Development of biocides from medicinal and aromatic plants 5. Strengthening research on natural dyes and flavours b) Externally funded projects GOI (Min. of Agriculture) Central Sector Scheme on development and cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants - Financial outlay: Rs. 6.45 Lakhs for 98-99. GOI (Min. of Health & Family Welfare) Central Sector Scheme on development of agrotechinques for medicinal plants used in ayurveda, sidda unani and homeopathy. Financial outlay: Rs. 13.0 Lakhs for three years. AT REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH STATION, PATTAMBI (18.6.2002 TO 7.6.2003) AICRIP Trials Cultural management practices for enhancing upland rice yields (Kharif) Nitrogen response trials on selected AVT-2 rice cultures under high and low input management (Kharif) Studies to develop appropriate techniques for growing direct seeded rice under puddled conditions (Rabi) Integrated nutrient management in rice based cropping system (Kharif & Rabi) Weed control trial for direct sown rice under semi dry conditions (Kharif) Screening of herbicides under puddled irrigated condition (Rabi) Evaluation of herbicides for transplanted rice (Kharif) Evaluation of herbicides for transplanted rice (Rabi) KAU Trial In situ growing of green manure crops in dry sown rice (Kharif) Company Trials Evaluation of Udaiphos for transplanted rice (Kharif) Efficacy evaluation of Halosulfuron methyl (NC-319) on transplanted rice (Rabi) AT AROMATIC AND MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH STATION, ODAKKALI (8.6.2003 )
KAU Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Project list as on 2000 On going prjects Project(01)Exploration, collection and evaluation of germplasm of medicinal and aromatic plants 1.Germplasm collection , maintenance, evaluation and multiplication of medicinal and aromatic plants AMP/01-00-09-87/ VLY,VKA,ODL(16)KAU 2. Morphological and chemical evaluation of types of long pepper( Piper nigrum) AMP/01-00-13-93/VKA(2)KAU/PG 3.Yield and chemical charecterisation of selected accessions of lemon grass germplasm of AMPRS , Odakkali AMP/01-00-14-93/ODL-KAU 4.Collection, screening and charecterisation of Kacholam ( Kaempferia galanga) AMP/01-00-17-94/VKA(16)ICAR 5.Multilocational trial of Patchouli for oil yield and quality AMP/01-00-18-94/VKA(16)ICAR 6.Collection, description and performance evaluation of herbaceous medicinal leguminous plants of Kerala AMP/01-00-19-95/ACV(16)KAU/PG 7.Morphological and biochemical investigations of medicinal plants with rejuvinative / galactogogue properties AMP/01-00-20-95/VKA(9) KAU/PG 8.Reproductive biology of Ocimum Sps. AMP/01-00-21-95VKA(16) KAU/PG 9.Germplasm collection, maintenance and evaluation of lemongrass and palmarosa AMP/01-00-22-95/ODL(9)KAU 10.Collection and maintenance of germplasm of long pepper AICRP VKA 11.Collection and cataloguing of Kacholam germplasm AICRP VKA Project (02) Improvement of medicinal plants 1.Improvement of oil content of lemongrass, AMP/02-00-05-93/ODL(9)KAU 2. Performance of vetiver germplasm , AMP/02-00-08-93/VKA(3)ICAR 3.Evaluation of Ocimum Sps for oil yield and quality of oil, AMP/02-00-10-95/ODL(9)KAU 4.Breeding lemongrass suitable for high altitude , AMP/02-00-11-95/ODL(9)KAU 5.Induction of mutations in long pepper AICRP VKA 6. Evaluation of seed propagated of long pepper AICRP VKA 7.Variability in morphological, physiological and biochemical characters in Kalmegh ( Andrographis paniculata Nees) Laju Paul.K. PG Botany VKA 8. Subha.K. PG Botany VKA .Evaluation of reproductive biology and morpho anatomical variations in Plumbago sps. 9.Rapid multiplication of rare and endangered medicinal plants ICAR Ad-hoc( Dept. Pltn. Crops) 1995-99 10. Shirish Hari Karnarkar,PG Dept. Pltn crops VKA .Genetic transformation of hairy root induction in Ada kodien( Holostemma ada-kodien) 11. Morphological and biochemical variations in Adhatoda types( Adhatoda sps.) PG VKA ( Dept.Pltn. crops) 12. Kalimuthu,Dept. Pltn crops,VKA Exploitation of in vitro cultures of Tinospora cordifolia Miers. for berberine 13. Vineel Vasudev Bhurke, Dept.Pltn crops,VKA .In vitro pollination in kacholam ( Kaempferia galanga) for seed set 14.Reshmi,C.R.COA,Vellayani.Evaluation of selected sankupushpam (Clitoria ternatea) lines for yield , alkaloid content and nodulation. 15. Smitha,K.COA, Vellayani, In vitrosomatic embryogenesis in Bael ( Aegle marmelos) 16. Minimol.J.S. Dept. Botany VKA. Morphogenesis and reproductive biology of Sacred lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera) Project (03) Standardisation of agrotechniques for selected medicinal and aromatic plants 1. Screening of medicinal plants for intercropping in coconut gardens AMP/03-00-04-87/PIL(1) KAU 2.Nutrient requirement and productivity analysis of Kacholam ( Kaempferia galanga) AMP/03-00-10-93/VKA(1)KAU/PG 3. Optimum manurial requirement and stage of harvest of Ocimum sanctum AMP/03-00-12-94/VKA(1)KAU/PG 4. Increasing in water use efficiency in thippali ( Piper longum) AMP/03-00-17-94/VKA(16)ICAR 5.Quality attributes in Kaempferia galanga as influenced by stage of harvest AMP/03-00-18-94/VKA(16)ICAR 6.Evaluation and selection of medicinal plants suitable for a coconut based farming system AMP/03-00-22-96/VKA(16)ICAR 7 Agrotechniques for maximum yield in long pepper. AICRP VKA 8. Agrotechnological practices for quality, crude drug production in Curculigo orchioides Gaertn . No. R6/65927/97 dt 10/9/97 of Dr. PhD VKA 9.Kavitha,G.V. PG ACV.Integated nutrient management in Desmanthus virgatus Willd under rainfed condition Project(04) Management of diseases and pests of aromatic and medicinal plants 1.Biological studies on the insects infesting medicinal and aromatic plants and their management AMP/04-00-02-93/ACV(4)KAU 2.Nisha,M.S. ACV PG, Ecofriendly management of root knot and burrowing nematodes associated with Kacholam( Kaempferia galanga) Project(05) Utilisation and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants 1.Standardisation of analytical methods for the evaluation of some lesser known medicinal plants AMP/05-00-01-94/VKA(16)ICAR 2.Evaluation of lemongrass germplasm for oil quantity and quality AMP/05-00-02-94/VKA(16)ICAR 3. Evaluation vetiver germplasm for oil quantity and quality AMP/05-00-03-90/VKA(16)ICAR 4. Increasing geraniol content in palmarosa oil by chemical methods AMP/05-00-04-94/VKA(3)ICAR 5. Synthesis of commercially important compounds from cinnamon leaf oils AMP/05-00-05-95/ODL(3)KAU 6.Isolation and charecterisation of principal constituents of Piper longum, Alpinia Sps. and Coleus aromaticus AMP/05-00-06-94/ODL(3)KAU 7. Jobi.M Joseph PG Ag.Economics VKA.Analysis of market economy of medicinal plants of Kerala 8. Deepakumar V.S.PG Ag.Economics VKA .Production and marketing systems of Vetiver- A microlevel analysis in Thrissure (Dt) Student programmes,PG/PhD-Concluded AGRONOMY 1.Meera.V.Menon,PhD.1996.Effect of different inputs on productivity and quality relations in Njavara. 2.Rejimol Thomas,Msc 1996. Effect of biofertiliser on N And P economy in Palmarosa. 3. Sheela.N.Msc 1996. Response of Piper longum in coconut gardens to differential spacing and manurial regimes. 4. K.C.Shina,Msc.1998. Agrotechniques in Indian Sarasaparilla 5. T.P.Ayisha,1997.Msc. Yield and quality of Piper longum under differential spacing and manurial regimes in coconut gardens. BOTANY 1.Jayaprakash Naik,B.Msc.1983.Cytotoxic and clastogenic effects of some insecticides in Allium cepa 2.Jaya Manuel Msc .1994. Comparative evaluation of selected types of Piper longum (Linn) in coconut plantations. 3.Narayanan, A.K.Msc.1993.Collection and cataloguing and evaluation of Rauwolfia spp. 4.Mini,K.S. Msc.1989. Karyomorphology, pollen sterility and seed set in vetiver ( Vetiveria zizanoides Linn. 5.Radhakrishnan,G.R. Evaluation of selections and hybrids of Vetiver ( Vetiveria zizanoides Linn) Msc.1991. 6.Prakash. K.M. Biometric analysis of yield and other attributes in Coleus( Coleus parviflorus.) 7. Kanakamony,M.T. PhD.1997.Induction of genetic variability in Kacholam. 8.Ajithmohan, N.K. Msc.1996.Induction of polyploidy in Kacholam . 9.Rajeswari meenattoor,J. Msc.1983 Induction of autotetraploids in lemon grass 10. Fancy Parameswaran, Msc. 1997. Reproductive biology and enzyme studies in Ocimum Spp. 11. Lisymol.J.Vadukkoot.Msc.1996 Evaluation of morpho- anatomical variations in Ocimum Sps. CHEMISTRY 1.Chinnamma,N.P. Ph D.1985. Influence of applied nutrients and stage of harvest on the yield and physico-chemical properties of essential oil of Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii Var motia) 2.Mullakoya,C.P. Msc.1997. Increasing geraniol content of palmarosa oil by chemical methods PLANT PATHOLGY 1.A.Sukumara Varma ,PhD 1991.Fungal diseases of selected medicinal plants of Kerala. AMP-04-00-01-89-VKA.5.KAU.PG AGRL ECONOMICS 1.Maya Devi,1996.Msc. Economics of production and marketing of selected medicinal plants in Thrissur Dt.concluded under PC group TOT HORTICULTURE 1.Msc.1991.Effect of graded doses of nitrogen and potash on growth ,root yield and alkaloid content of Perivinkle. (Catharanthus roseus) 2.Meera.N.Msc 1994. Standardisation of propagation and stage of harvest in Adakodien (Holostemma annulare K. Shum) 3.Manju.S.Msc.1997. Reproductive behaviour of Adapathian 4. Jalaja .S .Menon ,Msc. 1994. Influence of methods of planting and shade on growth ,yield and plumbajin content of chethikoduveli (Plumbago rosea Lin) 5. Sindhu.M. Msc 1999.Invitro callus induction and its exploitation in Coscinium fenestratum. 6. Joseph.E.J. Msc. 1983. Effect of spacing ,rhizome weight and time of harvest on the yield and quality constituents in Costus speciosus 7.Satheesan,K.N. Msc.1984. Effect of growth substances on the growth ,rhizome yield and diosgenin content in Costus speciosus 8. Sudhadevi, P.K. Msc 1981. Yield and quality constituents in Costus speciosus under varying levels of N,P,K. 9.Anu ,K.I. Msc 1993. Stanardisation of In Vitro propagation techniques in Gymnema sylvestris. 10. Rajesh.D. Msc.1998.Standardisation of In vitro techniques of rapid multiplication of Holostemma annulare 11.Sophia A John Msc. 1996. Standardisation of In Vitro techniques of rapid multiplication of Holostemma annulare 12.Mini Joseph, Msc.1997. Indirect organogenesis and embryogenesis in Kaempferia galanga 13. Rajagopalan, A, Msc. 1983. Stanardisation of propagation methods ,time of planting, time of harvest and phytochemical analysis of kaempferia galanga 14. Jalaja .S.Menon. PhD .1999. Analysis of growth ,flowering and quality in Koduveli-(Plumbago sps.) 15. Mini Raj.N. PhD 1997.Habit and habitat analysis of selected medicinal pants in native and domestic environments 16.Maya.S.Nair,Msc.1998 .Evaluation of Ocimum lines for herbage yield , oil content and Eugenol, 17.Effect of spacing and planting material on the growth and yield and active principle in Plumbago rosea L. 18. PhD.1998.In Vitro in vivo screening of Sida sps. for ephedrine content. 19.B.J.Seema,Msc.1997.Standardisation of In Vitro techniques for rapid multiplication of Trichopus zeylanicus. Projects concluded other than student programmes 1.Weed control in Curcuma aromatica, AMP/03-00-15-94/VKA (16) ICAR 2.Weed control in Kaempferia galanga, AMP/03-00-16-94/VKA(16)ICAR 3.Fertiliser trial in Kacholam. AMP/03-00-19-94/VKA(16)ICAR 4.Vetiver performance under biofertiliser system 5.Palmarosa performance under biofertiliser system 6.Spacing cum varietal trial in Kacholam. 7.Standardisaton of seed treatment and seed size in Kacholam, AMP/03-00-20-95/ODL(1) KAU 8.Optimum stage of harvest in Chittaratha (Alpinia galanga), AMP/03-00-21-95/ODL(16)KAU 9.Collection, maintenance and evaluation of germplasm of Garcinia cambogia Desrous, SPC-12-00-08-90-KUM-NARP 10. Standardisation of agrotechniques in lesser known aromatic and medicinal plants of zingiberaceae ICAR 11. NWDPRA scheme
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