Biographical Sketch Dr. P. P. Joy, born on 3 February 1959 at Kummanode in Ernakulam district of Kerala, obtained B.Sc. (Agri.) and M.Sc. (Agri.) in Agronomy with First Rank and Gold Medal from Kerala Agricultural University in 1982 and University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore in 1984, respectively. He took Ph.D. in Agronomy with distinction from Kerala Agricultural University in 2004. His doctoral thesis was Agrotechnological practices for quality crude drug production in nilappana (Curculigo orchioides Gaertn.). Throughout his academic career he won many awards and honours. He joined Kerala Agricultural University in 1984 as Assistant Professor (Agronomy), undertook research and development of Pulses and Rice initially and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants subsequently, currently working as Assistant Professor (Agronomy) at AMPRS, Odakkali on developing agrotechnologies and processing technologies for economically important Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Kerala. His key responsibilities include research, teaching, extension and farm management. As Principal/Associate Investigator, he has handled over30 research projects, including "Standardisation of agrotechniques in lesser known aromatic and medicinal plants of Zingiberaceae" and "Development of lemongrass oleoresin for flavouring" . Under his leadership was released the cinnamon variety ODC-130 (Sugandhini) and developed agro-processing technologies for several medicinal and aromatic plants. Optimum seed rate, viability of seeds, planting density, methods of planting, fertilizers and manuring practices, nutrient uptake and requirement, weed control measures, nursery techniques, harvesting stage and techniques, post-harvest handling and processing requirement etc. of many aromatic and medicinal plants were standardized. He has more than 20 years of R & D and management experience in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. His research interests are in the field of development of agrotechnologies and processing technologies for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. He is a member of several national bodies/societies. He has over 110 publications comprising over 50 research papers, 30 seminar/symposium papers, 20 popular articles and 10 books/chapters. He has attended over 50 seminars/symposia/workshops/trainings and organized them.
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